Influenced by world’s economic situation and lighting market does not start in large-scale,this year LED Industry enter into a tough period,the entirely market presents downturn.After previous years rapid development,the situation nowadays push industry insider to start rational thinking about the development of LED Industry,and explore how to seize the opportunities in the crisis situation.From November 8~10th,the 8th CHINA SSL 2011 was solemnly hold in GuangZhou, it is a once-a-year and one of the most important grand meeting in the world,almost all of the world’s LED Lighting industry leaders and experts,more than 18 countries or areas about 1,700 professionals had participated in this meeting.They had a hot discussion around under current situation,how will industry,government and companies to think,to face accoring to the situation,also they had analyzed some hot topics in latest development of technology and market.
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering,Shi Changxu,come in person and make a speech for the meeting,President of International Commission on Illumination—Ms Ann Webb; Secretary-General of European Photovoltaic Industry Association,T.P.Pearsall;President and Secretary-General of International Semiconductor Lighting Alliance and China Sourcing Alliance,Wu Lin participate in the meeting and make their speeches,they express their consistant pursuit to bring benefit to our human beings in early days.Especially the founder of Blue Light—president of International Semiconductor Lighting Alliance Advisory Committee,also as professor of Santa Barbara university in California,Shuji Nakamura;founder of Yellow Light—consultant of Philips Lumileds’Solid-state lighting,also as former Chief Technology Officer,George Craford;and inventor of OLED—Ching W.tang,phD.These three most powerful experts come together and participate in the discussion,it is the first time in international occations.During the meeting, International Semiconductor Lighting Alliance also held their first General Assembly Meeting,they made a work summary for last year and had a hot discussion and deployment for next year.